Friday 7 June 2013

Friday 7th

Today is a very rainy day :-( however we were prepared and have the correct clothing/umberellas to hand.
This morning I found it really hard to waken as I was up late. We had a class a 8am (yes classes here seem to be really early) the first class was our Chinese language lesson and the second was Chinese folk songs very difficult to understand especially when our guide and interpreter left the class room after 10 minutes. In the afternoon we have a Chinese painting class.
Last night some of the group went to a night club and were treated like celebrities and VIP's. Free entry, free booth and free drinks all night which included champagne. They danced till the small hours of 3.30am. We are arranging another night at a club maybe a different one or the same as they were brilliant hosts who even paid for the taxi there and back which is around 30-40 minutes into Shanghai city. Apparently the clubs all give Western folks VIP treatment as they like to see us in their clubs it is good PR for them.

I think the rest of the afternoon will be a chill out day as everyone is tired after the late night at the club and we have a two day trip tomorrow. We will be staying over at a hotel so it should be very comfortable.

I still cannot believe how fit and dedicated to health the Chinese people are here, ranging from the very young to the very old. Breakfast canteens open at six due to most out early training not just doing their morning routine of tai chi. They have vast amounts of training grounds and pitches, along with many canteens through the campus. You do not see anyone who is overweight everyone seems to be fit and healthy. The Chinese are also very dedicated to their studies, always in the library to study not to email or on facebook lol. I like the culture very much.

Hope all is well back home....kinda starting to worry about my own studies and that I really should be doing my essay........................however I would not have missed this opportunity.

Thanks 佛如有人support爱上always

Love安定 理智


  1. Hey mum sounds like an amazing trip! Weather here is great, benji goes home tomorrow so buster is very happy. He is too playful for the old man!
    Stay safe xxx

  2. Hey Cous' How you enjoying China? Looking forward to see some photos.

    Love from your (big)Wee Cous'
